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A few of my highlights in May

On the 15th of May, I met up with two other volunteers in Liverpool. We started our trip by visiting the two main cathedrals of Liverpool. The Anglican Cathedral is a massive building and I was very impressed by its size. The Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King is in a different way architecturally exciting: the circular floor plan allows for a more active connection of the worshipping congregation with the action at the altar and the coloured windows create a great light in the space. Due to the restrictions at that time, most of the other inside-activities were still not open, so we mostly walked around the streets and the waterfront. Here are some impressions of our day, including the very delicious food we ate the Royal Albert Docks. And: even "Berlin Döner" has made it to Liverpool. ;)


Once a year Heswall’s Youth fellowship (YF) goes on a “YF-weekend away”. Sadly, this couldn’t happen last year so to make up for it we organised a “YF-Day @home” on the 22nd of May. Around 30 people joined us for games, workshops, a bonfire and a talk about hope. Also, we were finally able to sing and worship God together outside in the Rectory Garden. On the picture you can see me being involved in the worship-band which was so much fun a real blessing.

The actual highlight was “Stockbrot”. A few months ago I went on a walk with one of the young people and we came across the fact that the Heswall Youth doesn’t know “Stockbrot”. Since this is an integral part of the Youth work in Germany, I decided that we definitely had to do it! The expectations were quite high but from what I’ve heard so far, they were more than fulfilled.

After our time in the garden, I got invited to an ESC-Party. Because we are still not allowed to see more than six people inside a home, we watched the Eurovision Song Contest in a garden. As you can see on the picture, that worked out really well and we had a fun time together! Although Germany came second last and the UK came last, I enjoyed watching the Eurovision Song Contest. So much that I might even end up throwing my own little party next year…

Next week is half-term break and now that we are finally able to travel, I will visit another volunteer and spent some time in Manchester. I am so looking forward to that and will of course tell you about it in my next blogpost.

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